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Website Use

Website Use

Terms of Use

The J. Michael Wells website,, is free for viewing and use by website visitors. By continuing to view this website, visitors relinquish and waive all claims of liability against, its owners, employees, providers, subcontractors, clients, agents, or any other entity connected with the office of J. Michael Wells CPA. Other than viewing the website via the Internet, the contents of the website are not available for other purposes.

Privacy Policy

Personal Data

The website does not collect, store, or share any personal data.

Derivative Data

The website does not collect, store, or share IP Addresses or Geolocation Information. The browser's data examination helps determine the most effective delivery of website content; however, this data is not stored or shared.

Cookie Usage

Cookie data examination takes place on a temporary and limited basis during the viewer's visit. This data usage is to help determine efficient methods to deliver content.

Social Network Data

The website does not collect, store, or share social media-related data.

Mobile Data

The website does not collect, store, or share any information relating to mobile device ids or manufacturers.

Third-Party Data

The website does not share or sell information to third parties.

ADA Website Accessibility and Compliance

The U.S. Department of Justice has interpreted Title III of the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) to include websites as places of public accommodation. A website that is fully accessible is not at risk of receiving a demand letter claiming ADA violations.

The designers of this website made every effort to comply with the ADA's guidance on web accessibility. The suite of Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools (WAVE) helped facilitate the construction of this website.

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  • Office Location
  • 206 Public Square
  • Lafayette, TN 37083
  • 615 666 4565
  • ➠ Map